Rotary members and guests from across District 7040 gathered on Wednesday November 13 at the River Mill Restaurant for dinner with 2022-23 RI President Jennifer Jones, benefiting the Rotary Foundation. More than 50 guests, including DG Teresa Whitmore (Orleans), Past DG Michel Wong Kee Song (Old Montreal) and District Governor-Elect Graeme Fraser (West Ottawa) were in town to enjoy fun & fellowhship and an inspiring talk from Jennifer Jones, who received an honorary Doctor of Laws at Queen's Fall Commencement on Thursday.

As Rotary International's first female president, Jennifer Jones has been recognized for breaking the glass ceiling and opening the path forward for future generations of female leaders. While she was the first, she hinted she may soon be followed by another female president, perhaps in the next 5 years! She spoke of the Foundation's goal of erradicating polio worldwide and responded to a question that one of her greatest memories as president was traveling to Pakistan to join in a polio vaccination drive of infants and young children and how grateful the parents had been. She reminded everyone that, while the goal is near, polio still has not been defeated and changing social conditions globally continue to present challenges which must and will be overcome by the continued efforts of Rotarians. Finally, she took questions from floor and received some special memories from Paul Van Nest (Kingston) & Bruce Higgs (Gananoque).

Paul Van Nest Bruce Higgs
In addition to the special recognition for Anne & Trevor as Major Donors (see above), the Rotary Foundation also recognized Carol Cartier & Pete Burrell (Kingston Club) as the District's newest members of the Bequest Society. To top it off, Bill & Nancy Gray (Cataraqui-Kingston Club) announced a $60,000 donation to the Rotary Foundation.
Thanks to Elsabé Falkson and her committee for all their efforts to assure a successful evening.

From Elsabé: If you have a recurring, automatic withdrawal donation set up in My Rotary, please cancel it for a month or two and donate that amount (or more!) through the link. You will get PH points and a charitable donation receipt.
If you are not a regular donor, now is the perfect opportunity to contribute, if you can. Donate any amount you feel comfortable with.
The final numbers for the entire effort including online donations will be known early in December.