2022 Season at the Robinson Garden
On July 13, our Rotarians were back at the Robinson Community Garden to plant for the new season.
We're looking forward to a good crop to help our community.

Truckload of PEI Potatoes delivered to Kingston on April 5
Have you ever wondered what 60,000 lbs of potatoes look like? Well, thanks to Rotary in Kingston, Lionhearts Inc. and the newly opened Community Food Redistribution Warehouse in Kingston, we saw that many potatoes delivered directly to Kingston and beyond on April 5.
Through their extensive Rotary network across Ontario, Canada, and indeed the world, Kingston Rotarians were able to coordinate a gift of a full truckload of PEI potatoes to Kingston and area to support food security agencies.
Helping Lionhearts, Take 2
On December 1, 2021, our Rotary Club joned forces with the community Rotaract Club to help Lionhearts with their good work again. Instead of having our regular meeting over a meal, we met at the Lionhearts facilities where we packaged food and other items for those in our community that need help. It was a great feeling to be able to put our hands to work for a great cause again.

Helping Lionhearts
On October 20, 2021, three of our Rotarians, plus one daughter, joined other Rotarians and Rotaractors to help pack food in support of Lionhearts Inc. Lionhearts have been a significant contributor to food security in our community, especially since the start of the pandemic. It was a pleasure and an honour to help them.

Back at Robinson Garden
We were back at the Robinson Community Garden on September 11, 2021 for the harvesting of potatoes.
We even took the opportunity to present one of our member, Mike Moore, with his Paul Harris Fellow +6 pin. A significant achievement, well done Mike!

New Season at Robinson Garden
On May 29, 2021, we started the season at the Robinson Community Garden by planting and preparing the fields. We had six members of the club participating and although the morning was a little cool, it was a great way to spend time amongst friends while contributing to our community garden.

Rotary in Kingston awarded the David Parry Award by the Food Sharing Project
The Food Sharing Project, which provides food in Kingston schools, awarded Rotary in Kingston the David Parry Award at a special ceremony held on Zoom on December 15, 2020. The award was given to Rotary in Kingston for the help provided by the six Rotary clubs of Kingston since the current pandemic started in March 2020. In addition to providing fnancial support, the Rotary clubs in Kingston were able to muster many volunteers which were required to pack food, deliver food packages and making many phone calls amongst other tasks.
Well Done Rotary!

Robinson Community Garden
Our club was happy to participate in a day in the field, literally, at the Robinson Community Farm in Westbrook on Aug 8, 2020.
The farm provides food for many food programs in the community with about 30% going to the Food Sharing Program and Istmus which provide food for school kids in the community.
The full story can be found at: https://www.thewhig.com/news/local-news/volunteers-harvest-800-pounds-of-produce-for-families-in-need

More than 60 volunteers, mostly Rotarians and friends, participated in a day in the field to maintain and harvest the produce to be used in the food programs in the community. Photo by Daniel Geleyn

Our Community Service Director Don Taylor and Past-President Aggie Haydock posed during a break in the action. They would make great replacements for the actors in "Green Acres". Member Marie-Claude Van Der Merwe and her daughter Julia hard at work planting for the next crop. Photos by Daniel Geleyn